Find savings everyday:
68 ways to save a buck
Check out these unique tips and tricks designed to get help you start saving today. More savings means more money put towards your goals. Our challenge is for you to choose 5 (just 5!) of these ideas over the next week and see if you can start finding savings today.
The ultimate job evaluation template
If you're in the market for a new job, make sure to compare the full package of any offer. There's so much more than just comparing salary and bonus! Each job has its hidden benefits (and costs) so by outlining them you can make sure which job is truly best for you.
The FI-lanthropy Calculator
Heard of FIRE? Not only does Financial Independence provide you with your own personal security and freedom, it can also act as your superpower for doing good in this world. Explore how your commitment to taking a giving pledge impacts your FI timeline and portfolio, and see the real impact you can have.
The FI Purpose Planner
See how your choices to give back impact your financial journey, especially your path to FI or Coast FI. Whether you’re considering increasing your donations, switching to a lower-paying but more impactful job, or worrying about spending more on yourself, this tool lets you explore and compare various scenarios side by side.